We provide inclusive and accessible accommodation for people of all abilities and walks of life and actively welcome people with access needs and provide general access facilities and services for people with access needs. Our listing on AirBnB and VRBO has accessibility information and photos, including of a bathroom, room and/or floor plan (can be emailed on request). We ask all visitors if there are any specific needs to be met, and are happy to advise tour guides of the access needs of guests at the time of booking (includes pick up and drop off requirements). We can also provide assistance with booking arrangements.

We welcome and can assist people who have challenges with learning, communication, understanding and behaviour, including people with autism, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, acquired brain injury (ABI), dyslexia and dementia. Our house guide and emergency information is written in plain English, and signage around the property is easy to read. We offer a quiet space and respect the guests' privacy. Book at AirBnB or VRBO.

We have designed the tourist accommodation to cater for all guests: those with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps, and also people who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance, includes people using walking frames and mobility aids. The floors is slip resistant, firm and smooth (non-slip tiles in the bathroom. 

The accommodation is suitable for people who use a wheelchair, and includes step free outdoor pathways, a step free main entrance, a ramp with a maximum gradient of 1:14, the doorways are easy to open and have lever handles (doorways 850mm or wider when open and not heavy). 

Book at AirBnB or VRBO.

There is a wheelchair accessible parking space with wheelchair accessible signage clearly displayed. There is a step free access to all areas in the accommodation room, with a lever handle on the door. There is enough space for a wheelchair to move around three sides of a double king sized bed. 

The sink in the kitchennette has a removable cabinet door, so the sink to be accessible for a person at seated height. Entrance to the wheelchair accessible bathroom is step free, including a hobless (step free) shower recess with a shower curtain (no door). There are grabrails in the shower recess, a handheld shower hose, and a shower chair is available on request. There is sufficient space around the toilet for a wheelchair, and grabrails are provided adjacent to the toilet. Book at AirBnB or VRBO.